What Are Some Ways to Help Another Overcome an Addiction?

Question by Enjoy It.: What are some ways to help another overcome an addiction?
I would really like to help somebody to overcome a drug addiction. Though she is so far in, im not quite sure where to start.

So do you have any tips for helping somebody to do so, please?

*Hugs to you all :)*

Best answer:

Answer by Elliott M
a hug wont do it. they first of all themselves must recognize the addiction then want to overcome it.it is more complex than you are ready for if the facts that you have all edged is true. ggod luck but you may complicate matters worse. the biggest help you could is convincing them to a forum of Professional that addressee this problem or you could be in for the biigest let down failure of your life with very dangerous overtones

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Shocking Facts about Drug Abuse & Human Trafficking – “A friend on weed, is not friend indeed” – Abhishek Singh “Reality is a crutch for people who can’t handle drugs” – Mehak Sikka If you do cocaine, you’ll go insane!! – Eshita Bhargava “LSD leads to LSD” – Yashika Yadav “No drug is more addictive then life itself, just try it” – Sachin Kumar “Drugs; they get you high. So high, you die” – Vikas Chandra Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff. Keep away from that stuff ! – Akshay Sharma “Green the Grass” – Ishank Yadav Some of the slogans submitted by the IgnitedV.com users as part of a slogan competition held on the eve of International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Human Trafficking Visit www.facebook/ignitedv or www.ignitedv.com for more details about the IIT Delhi students initiative that banks on individuals to help create meaningful change in their communities and also helps its users connect with partner NGOs by providing them with volunteering opportunities based on their interests & skills


Jason London Defecated In Squad Car After Bar Fight, Denies Behaving Badly

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The actor was arrested for disorderly conduct/fighting and assult. However, he's hitting back at the allegations, saying the media doesn't have its facts straight. He wrote in a series of posts: "Guys, the TMZ report is a total … He has an identical …
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Judge postpones Texas woman's execution

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From Twitter:

RT @Drug_Free_World: Drug Facts: The Truth About Drugs — Ecstasy http://t.co/5gG7IWL9 – by help_addiction (DRUG ADDICTION HELP)


From Twitter:

Drug abuse and/or addiction are often co-occurring issues – “addiction-switching”, if you will, is common among… http://t.co/HRD38PeM – by Looking_GlassBC (Looking Glass)


From Twitter:

AA Facts and History | Changing Lives Foundation Blog http://t.co/TWwcuBsK http://t.co/UK1BUxbT – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )