Mexican Police Kill US Marines on Behalf of Their Narco Masters?
Question by Jack: Mexican police kill US marines on behalf of their narco masters?
how much longer will the administration allows Mexico to be a marauding pirate state on our border? how much longer before we invade and occupy Mexico like should have been done years ago?
are we at the point where drone strikes are advisable?
Best answer:
Answer by ugotthat
How much longer will the United States be the biggest consumer of drugs and porn? I thought Republicans loved capitalism and no regulations anyway. The drug trade is capitalism in its purest form. Self regulating because if you cut your drugs too much you’ll kill your customers. Right now they’re battling over trade routes and acquisitions.
America already invaded and occupied Mexico. What do you think the Alamo was all about? It wasn’t just a movie. I don’t see anyone talking about giving Texas back. Republican Rick Perry does prattle about secession. Basically the same thing.
You want to do something about drugs? Quit blowing coke off naked women. Read that Bible every Conservative claims to have. Miraculously the demand will dry up and so will the drug business.
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