Drug Addiction?
Question by ldytinker: Drug addiction?
My daughter is 24 years old. I have guardianship of three of her 4 children. I ahve seen her go deep into meth and depression and come back. She lives in my home and wont work. She is falling deep into a well of darkness and I dont know what to do. She tells me that every morning when she wakes up she is so disgusted that she lived through the night that she wants to ripp her skin off..I want to call the Justice Of The Peace on Monday morning and see if maybe having her committed would be a wake up call…I need help , advice and some moral support.. I pray…where do I go?
Best answer:
Answer by annelise u
show her some of the wonders of life and remind her that many people love her and would be devastated if she died. get her some anti depresents as well.
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Jessica Aguilar, world famous MMA competitor interview- Teen Drug Addiction- Inspirationsyouth.com – Jessica Aguilar, world famous Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter, teams up with Inspirations Youth and Families to fight teen drug addiction. Jessica and fello…
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Filed under: drug addiction help for families
Good statistics on drug use and drug points of origin are hard to come by, especially for thirty years ago. But Ross claims to have been purchasing and … Drug use also rarely hurts just the individual — the damage ripples across families and …
Read more on The Brown Daily Herald
Distinguished pol
Filed under: drug addiction help for families
Chris Christie explained the vicious circle when drug addicts are incarcerated, observing that “They come out just as addicted as they were when they went in. And then we all sit around going: jeez, wonder … And the destruction that is brought on …
Read more on Washington Post (blog)