Has Cancer Been Cured?
Question by Scab: Has cancer been cured?
The obvious answer would of course be no, but there’s some things to consider. First, if cancer were cured, nobody would spend thousands of dollars on treatments for it. They would just receive the cure and be done with it. Second, if cancer were cured, donations for cancer would stop coming in. The Terry Fox fund alone takes in millions every year. Third, I find it hard to believe that if all that money that has gone into cancer research, and with all the time that has been spent researching it, and with today’s advancements in technology, that we haven’t come up with some sort of useful treatment or cure. Also, I have found various sites claiming that they have a cure for cancer but nobody seems to ever take any notice of them. Here’s one for example:
Personally, I believe that they have had a cure for a very long time and have simply withheld it from the public to keep bringing in money on expensive treatments and donations. People who own the media have been paid off to not take any notice of anyone with a possible cure by pharmaceutical companies. I know cancer is a touchy subject because almost everyone has known or been related to someone with cancer. I just want to hear some people’s opinion’s.
Best answer:
Answer by ?Animal Luvr?
As a cervical cancer survivor, I can tell you that no 2 cancers are the same. They all require different treatments and they all respond differently. They are all caused by different things, and react to different things. This means that there is no one single “cure” for cancer.
I personally have been “cured” of my cervical cancer…or close to it. I received chemo, radiation (internal and external), a procedure where they removed part of the tumor, and I might possibly need more surgery in the future BUT at this point, the speck of cancer seen on the last scan looks like either nothing cancerous or possibily a small area of residual cancer which will be removed surgically.
I have been “cured” and many others have too.
They’re also making progress, a lot of progress. Because I received Cisplatin chemo, it has reduced my chance of recurrance by a lot…not sure of the exact figure but it was 30% or more. Also I would’ve been able to have a radical trachelectomy if I had an earlier stage cancer which would just remove the cervix and save the uterus so I could still have kids in the future.
This is really a breakthrough and new, and innovative!
There will never be a generic “cure” that will fix every case of cancer. It’s not possible since each cancer is pretty much it’s own disease.
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