Bad Habits – How to Break Bad Habits the Easy Way


Bad Habits – How to Break Bad Habits the Easy Way – Break Bad Habits – – For the full transcription of this video, and some special links, just read below! What man? I can stop whenever I want! Yeah! Haha… Hello, my friends. Welcome to another video with myself, Noah Hammond. Today, we are going to be talking about bad habits, and how to break bad habits the easy way. Now the way I would recommend breaking bad habits is not to make them wrong, not to fight them, not to be like “Oh, I have got to stop doing this and stop doing that. This is wrong and I am wrong for this.” I think that is really a disempowering way to go about change… Instead, what I would do is adopt the concept of valuing your inputs. Let me explain. Break Bad Habits by Valuing Your Inputs To see this full article on my site visit: Valuing your inputs means assessing and evaluating everything you are taking in to your experience. This means the friends you have, the movies you do or do not watch, the books you do or do not read, the music you do or do not listen to, the TV shows you do or do not watch, the co-workers you surround yourself or spend time with, the food you eat, the sunshine you do or do not get, or even the amount of water you do or do not drink. Everything that is coming in to your experience has a net value for your body and mind. Like the old phrase says that “You are what you eat”… Well, you are what take in. Value comes in, value comes out. Positivity comes in, positivity comes out. Crap


Legal Drugs are Abused Too

Filed under: drug abuse articles

Drugs legalizers argue that the harms from drugs can be effectively contained by regulations and age limits. Evan Soltas in Bloomberg News shows, however, that regulations are easily overcome. Prescription drugs are the classic example of substances …
Read more on Daily Beast


Drug abuse community forum planned in Fremont

Filed under: drug abuse articles

In addition to hitting on drug abuse trends, experts plan to offer parents tips on how to start a conversation with children about the dangers of drug abuse. The event will include a question-and-answer session. Anyone who plans to attend the March 12 …
Read more on Sandusky Register


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Drug Abuse in Seniors on the Rise: – by Smart__Health (AlignLife)


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Mayor: Prescription Drug Abuse Has No Boundaries – by SolutionsLV (Solutions Recovery)