Terrified to Fly!?
Question by Just me near dc: Terrified to fly!?
It’s a long story but I’ve flown all over the world and was never scared and then I had a terrible flight with turbulence and in the middle of it, we descended very fast, downwards. The pilot didn’t come on the PA system so I thought we were crashing. I flew a few times after that but it was always horrific for me. I can’t breath, my heart races and I just want off the plane, even out the door, if I could. The last time I flew, I had a AZ layover and didn’t get back on the plane. It took me a train and 2 rental cars to get back to DC. My question..Is this fixable? Talking to people doesn’t work because they can’t promise the plane I’m on won’t crash. Drugs, No, I’m afraid if I’m out of it when the plane crashes, I won’t be able to get off safely. Meditation, No. Nothing works. The thing people don’t understand is that *I’m not afraid the plane will crash, when I’m on a plane, in my mind, it is crashing.* I’m just waiting for the impact. I missed my own brother’s wedding in CA! Help!
I’m a logical person and know that planes are safer than cars but if you someone said fly to CA and back or give up one year of your life. I would lose the year. It’s an irrational fear. This much I know, I just don’t know how to fix it.
What Happen on 8/25/1986?
Question by kisha: What happen on 8/25/1986?
what major events happened that year to date
Best answer:
Answer by No Sympathy for Stupid
google august 25, 1986
cause I have no idea
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Low Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits – 202-682-5800 – the Cochran Firm DC
Low Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits – 202-682-5800 – The Cochran Firm DC – Low Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits – www.cochranfirmdc.com/practice-areas/defective-product-attorneys/testosterone-drug-therapy-lawsuits/ Men who take testost…
I Would Like to Know How to Find Drug Rehabs in Decatur, Texas.?
Question by arlyn h: I would like to know how to find drug rehabs in Decatur, Texas.?
I’m doing a research on various drug addictions and I just want to know more about the treatment programs available for these.
Best answer:
Answer by abbie f
To find drug rehabilitation centers, simply use the links that I have provided below. You can also look through the local phone directory or contact your local health services department and ask them for a list of drug rehabs in the place you have specified. I hope you get the information you need. Good luck!
Prescription Drugs?
Question by flin_toba: Prescription Drugs?
I am wondering if there is anything out there that would help me. I cant sleep at night, I cant wake up in the morning, I dont have any energy throughtout the day, I have so many stresses that i just let eat at me. And I just want something that would help me out with this until I can do it on my own. I dont want something that would make me feel “high” either. I do not take any drugs right now, prescription or recreational. I just am looking for some names so I can research them before i go to the doctors. Thanks.
Dion – AmbrosiaTreatment’s shared video file.
Irsay bust spurs talk of Colts transition
Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis
Some owners address the problem by buying a sizable life insurance policy, but that could be difficult for someone with Irsay's drug-use history. Kaufman estimated that, by today's valuation of the … But the suspension was reduced to 21 days after …
Read more on Insurance News Net (press release)
Powerful Cause, Awesome Prizes Highlight Minnesota Fishing Challenge
Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis