Psychodrama for Addiction Treatment
Psychodrama for Addiction Treatment – Linda Losi discusses how psychodrama is used to help deep wounds in those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Psychodrama at The Palm Beach Institute …
America’s Drug Policy Sucks!!?
Question by bamafleck: America’s drug policy sucks!!?
Why are people being locked up for non-violent drug crimes. These people have a disease and the only hope for them is treatment. The annual cost for an inmate to stay in prison is about $ 25,000. The cost of an inpatient drug treatment center is $ 9,000. Yet only 40% of our prisons have drug treament programs, when 80% of inmates have a substance abuse problem!!
So who beliefs this too?
Sorry “believes”
So you’d rather have your tax dollars annually contribute to somebody in jail who will probably be back for the same offense unless treated? Give me a break. You probably never made a mistake huh? The problem with their mistake is it changed their brain functions!!
Hey martinam…do some research on addiction…And in violent crimes, punishment must come because there was an actual victim involved
Whats the Penalty for the First Probation Violation?
Question by signmanj: whats the penalty for the first probation violation?
One of my sons has got out on probation from the court. Now he sadly violated his probation….Whats the penalty, etc for just the FIRST offence in Minnesota? Being his dad, would the judge listen to me that he needs to be put in to a lockdown place for treatment instead of jail.Jail won’t help him..he needs a LONG term mental health treatment and drug center as this is a total sickness. What are the fines, etc. for the 1st offence for violation of probation?
Best answer:
Texas “Drug Policy”: What Is Likely the Sentence for This Crime?
Question by Exhilarating, isn’t it?: Texas “Drug Policy”: What is likely the sentence for this crime?
My boyfriend was arrested for possession of marijuana (less than two ounces) and possession of a controlled substance (5 capsules of Zoloft). This is his first offense so what will his sentence likely be? We live in Texas.
Best answer:
Answer by Spanky
here is the laws in texas about marijuana
Can Anyone Recommend a Good Substance Abuse Treatment?
Question by winona m: Can anyone recommend a good substance abuse treatment?
I have a teenage daughter who has been taking in drugs. This hurts me so much and I just want her to stop. I’ve been trying to convince her to undergo treatment, and I think she has finally learned to see my point. I just want to know what I should do.
Best answer:
Answer by mike j
That’s sad. I hope your daughter gets better soon. A good thing to do would be to bring her to an addiction treatment center. Substance abuse treatment programs nowadays include medication, counseling, and therapies that are scientifically modified. This will help your daughter gain back her life and help her deal with her problems.
What Are the Treatments for the Teenagers Who Are Abusing Drugs and Alcohol?
Question by dhen: what are the treatments for the teenagers who are abusing drugs and alcohol?
Best answer:
Answer by ND fan
the back of the hand
love and attention
somewhere in between the two
What do you think? Answer below!
Insurers prodded to cover early addiction services for Vermonters
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment
The committee is trying to understand what types of addiction treatment exist, how they are related and whether the Legislature can do anything to help. … Part of the challenge is making it socially acceptable to talk about drugs and alcohol …
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