Free or Low Cost Rehab PLEASE HELP!?
Question by : Free or low cost Rehab PLEASE HELP!?
My uncle lives with my family and he constantly relapses on crystal meth and I cant take it any more I need help and he needs help I cant just kick him out but im tempted I dont want him around us like that unfortunetly the decision isnt all mine! Im starting to think he even smoke in the house sneeking but Im not sure. I want to give him a alimotive either leave or go to rehab! please help with advice and or clinics info thank you so much!!
Best answer:
Answer by Kat
Most states have free clinics for detox, but often have wait lists. Contact your local public health department or the department for social and health services. For your uncle to be eligible he will likely have to WANT to be clean. There are virtually no ways to get someone to quit if they don’t want to. Check out Nar-Anon (website at or Al-Anon. These groups are for the friends and family of those who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. They will give you tips on how to help your uncle without jeopardizing your own health! Good luck.
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