How Can I Help My Boyfriend Stop Doing Drugs?
Question by Just Wondering: How can I help my boyfriend stop doing drugs?
My boyfriend likes smoking weed and also does coke at times and I don’t remember what else.
He says he wants to stop, he asked for my help and I’m not sure how to help him.
He hasn’t done any drugs in about a month, because something is coming up.
He’s pretty much addicted, though. He gets tempted fast and his friends or the people he talks with aren’t much of a help. They always ask him if he wants to smoke.
Soooo, my question is.. How can I help him stop?
I really care about him, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.
Best answer:
Answer by Person
Tell him to hang around drug-free people. Go into a rehabilitation center. And most importantly, support him 100%
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