How Do I Help the Drug War?

Question by prettyparadoxal 1: how do i help the drug war?
i want to help conquer the oxi war but am a single mom what can i do?
where is a better place to ask this question on ya?

Best answer:

Answer by Shaan
Yes u should focus on this matter deeply and start contecting to expert of it who can help u properly contect to any health related department so theywould help you properly…..if u have any question then its my youtube account add me on youtube

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Bill Could Prosecute Pregnant Women

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

OBGYN practitioners, drug addiction specialists, and women's rights groups are urging the governor of Tennessee, Bill Haslam, to veto a bill allowing pregnant women to be prosecuted if they illegally take drugs while pregnant and the fetus or newborn …
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A Sobering Story: Early substance use increases risks

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Genetics are a powerful factor in addiction, but so is the age at which substance use begins. The earlier that point occurs, specialists say, the more likely it is a person will progress to more serious abuse. According to the National Institute on …
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What professionals say about pain pills and addiction

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Dr. Frank Filippelli, a Des Moines addiction treatment specialist, said it should be no surprise that Americans have a serious problem with painkiller abuse. "We have 5 percent of the world's population, and we use 75 percent of the world's …