How Many Years Was It That Jon Bon Jovi Was Addicted to Drugs And/or Alcohol?
Question by : How many years was it that Jon Bon Jovi was addicted to drugs and/or alcohol?
I say it was 20 years ago, my friend insists it was before the “Bon Jovi” heyday. I saw him some years back in a television interview blaming his record producer for getting him hooked on drugs. Also, why does the media bury this story but demonize the EXTRAORDINARY talents like the great Whitney Houston; Diana Ross, Steven Tyler, Liza Minelli for their drug or alcohol problems. Every time they are caught with drugs or alcohol, it it is front page news in all the tabloids. The media tore into Michael Jackson for his prescription drug addictions, and even for lesser celebrities like Art Garfunkel or Bon Jovi’s own bandmate Richie Sambora, their drug use and personal problems are common knowledge. Why is the media so bent on portraying Jon Bon Jovi as a squeeky clean, reputable person?
No one gave back more than Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston Helped many people with her charities as well.
Bon Jovi Fan… Its ok, you can still like Jon Bon Jovi, even if he was once addicted to drugs. But the fact is I heard him say it in HIS OWN WORDS, in a TV interview about 10 years ago. I dont what it is with Jon Bon Jovi fans, people only want to crucify Richie Sambora for his addictions, but they deny Bon Jovi’s personal problems. Kind of like the Frank Sinatra fans who deny Frank’s Mafia ties, or that Frank’s mother ran an abortion ring (both documented facts).
Best answer:
Answer by Sexual Caramel
Because he gives back. He helped build homes HIV positive residents of NJ. PA as well. He’s worked with alot of charity organizations. Just because people are drug addicts, don’t mean they are bad people. But I know what you’re saying. The media loves adding fuel to the fire. It’s usually Globe or National Enquirer making a mountain out of a molehill.
You’re right. Those guys gave back. But I guess the media always targeted them because they were easy to pick on. Bon Jovi’s far from a saint, but he wised up.
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