How to Deal With a Drug Paraphernalia Citation in Texas?
Question by Eddie: How to deal with a drug paraphernalia citation in Texas?
A friend and I were pulled over a few hours ago by a Texas State Trooper. They searched my friends car and found a glass pipe as well as marijuana (it was less than 2 ounces). We were both given a citation for the pipe and the small amount of marijuana. We are being asked to appear in front of a judge. We are both 20 years old and in university. I want to know how we can handle this with as little damage as possible to our professional and educational reputations. I’m deathly scared right now. I feel as if my life has been put on hold. I am begging for some sound advice right now. Are we in deep, or can we handle this situation without any blemishing on our records?
This is a first “offense”, for the both of us.
Best answer:
Answer by Ben
Your only chance to avoid a permanent criminal record is to try to arrange for a plea under a diversion program whereby you agree to go to a drug treatment program and completing a probationary period assigned by the judge. You may have to have an attorney talk to the prosecutor to work out the details. This is an option sometimes offered to first time offenders.
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