Is Long Beach a Safe and Nice Area to Live?
Question by Isabel: Is Long Beach a safe and nice area to live?
I’ll be moving to Long Beach and living on my own. I’m thinking about moving to an apartment located at Ocean Boulevard in Long Beach. I’ve heard all kinds of things about Long Beach, good and bad, and I wanted to make sure I find out from those who have really been and lived there.
– Is this a safe and nice area for a woman to live alone?
– Are there a lot of drug addicts and homeless in the street?
– Is it safe to walk at night? Do people get mugged in that area?
– Are there things to do and is there a social scene?
– What are some nice and safe areas to live close to Long Beach or Huntington Beach?
– What do apartments cost in this area?
Best answer:
Answer by ??? ??? ?
There is no such thing as a “safe place” to live. There is no such thing as an area that is immune crime and even “safe places” have their own crime. Just use your common sense as you would anywhere else and you’ll be fine.
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