Should Doctors Being Treated for Drug Addiction Be Allowed to Practice…without Telling You ?
Question by moon_flower_unicorn_power: Should doctors being treated for drug addiction be allowed to practice…without telling you ?
Best answer:
Answer by Patrick
NO! The problem with doctors is that other doctor are their review board and they don’t want to get their friends in trouble. My goodness the courts make Brittany Spears take drug tests to be near her children and they’ll let doctors continue to use drugs and do open heart surgery. This has to change. The doctors need to leave their profession until and unless they get help, get their lives back in order and then go on a program where they are regularly tested for the rest of their professional career.
How Can I Get Treatment for Drug Dependency?
Question by Big Bob: How can I get treatment for drug dependency?
Hi. I was just weighing my options for how to deal with my drug problem. I work random 1st and 2nd shifts so inpatient rehab is out of the question, and because of the 1st and 2nd shift switching I couldn’t make every intensive outpatient meeting. I am not quite sure how to handle this. It is very hard for me to just stop using drugs by myself. I would probably go to rehab but I just started this new job I went to school for. Is there any other ways I can get help?
Inpatient Drug Rehab | Tulsa Drug Rehab | Inpatient Drug Rehab
Inpatient Drug Rehab | Tulsa Drug Rehab | Inpatient Drug Rehab – Inpatient Drug Rehab prescription drugs dependency is treated at Rehab Tulsa’s residential facility in Tulsa, OK using counseling, afte…
Recovering Cocaine Addiction?
Question by : Recovering cocaine addiction?
Im a recovering cocaine addict I have been 2 months. My current girlfriend knows about my addiction and has been totally understanding of my recovery. The cravings are still there so how can i get rid of them?
Best answer:
Answer by jim
hey never go away but in tikma you will realize its a big waste of time and ull move on
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Does Anyone Know the Origin of the Saying to “Quit Cold Turkey”?
Question by Lemonada: Does anyone know the origin of the saying to “quit cold turkey”?
I just don’t get it.
Best answer:
Answer by D. Foreal
cold turkey
Origin: 1922
By 1922, cold turkey was not always a leftover from Thanksgiving dinner. For an addict, it was quite the opposite. “This method of sudden withdrawall,” explained a writer that year, “is described in the jargon of the jail as ‘the cold turkey’ treatment,” It meant “to immediately and completely give up a substance, such as narcotics or alcohol, to which one was addicted.”
Alcohol Rehabilitation for Massachusetts Alcoholics – Video
Alcohol Rehabilitation for Massachusetts Alcoholics – Video – Consider alcohol rehabilitation outside of Massachusetts today! Choosing a new environment for your detox can be vital in a suc…