Christian Based Drug Rehabs in Texas?
Question by eko: Christian based drug rehabs in Texas?
I am looking for a christian based drug rehab in Texas for my brother who has finally decided to turn a new leaf. Since we won;t be able to afford to pay for it I was wondering if there is any kind of rehab that would take him in for free and make him work there to make up for it. Any kind of information would be greatly appreciated. Other states will also do. I need this info really bad before its too late to save my brother. Thanks
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Internet Addict
Internet Addict –
Why Is Suddenly Quitting Something Completely Called Going “Cold Turkey”?
Question by Domino: Why Is Suddenly Quitting Something Completely Called Going “Cold Turkey”?
Best answer:
Answer by amoreflowers
Going “Cold Turkey” is usually used when people stop smoking or taking drugs without much preparation.
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Hospira’s Commitment to Ensuring Reliable Product Supply from our Rocky Mount Plant – In the fifth video in our series, CEO Mike Ball visits Hospira’s Rocky Mount, NC, facility to highlight how the company is advancing our commitment to put pa…
Homeless Drug Addicts?
Question by mandy: homeless drug addicts?
Im doing a speech on the homeless and I was wondering if there are any free rehabs or places these homeless drug addicts can go to to get help. and if there isnt, does anyone have any good suggestions on how to help these people
thanks so much
ps please put your sources i dont want to make anyone else do the work 🙂
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Where Can I Look Up Drug Rehab Programs in Virginia?
Question by capoeirakid: Where can I look up drug rehab programs in Virginia?
Okay, so my mom and her friend are starting a lfe coaching business. I’m going to help them by finding programs such as rehabs, support groups, charities, etc. for their clients. Right now, I’m helping them look for a rehab for this one kid who we think might potentially become a client and he’s addicted to marijuana. He’s looking for a rehab program that can help him. In order for the place to be able to help him, the place needs to be something like this:
1. He’s 17, so it needs to be a rehab for kids or kids and adults.
2. He has a felony charge and they’re appealing the charge, but they can’t do anything more about that until a few months from now, so it needs to accept kids with felony charges.
3. Preferably, it should be a live-in rehab.
4. A place with a lot of rules and structure would be best for this kid.
5. It would be best if the rehab is in or near Northern Virginia.
All of this is based on info my mom gave me about the kid. Don’t worry, I don’t know his name or anything like that. I was hoping that there’s a website or something where I can look up rehab programs by key words or something like that. Also, if you know of a rehab that will be good for him, please tell me. Thanks!
To buds: Do you know if Crosby Centers has a location in/near NoVa?
Does Crosby Centers accept people with felony charges?
Does Crosby Centers accept kids?
I looked for this info on the website, but I couldn’t find it.