Questions on How to Maintain Healthy Hair
Question by NoSoup4U: Questions on how to maintain healthy hair
Two years ago I went to drug rehab where afterwards I cut off all my hair (when using drugs your skin and hair take a lot of damage and my hair seriously couldn’t be saved, it was cut like a short boy cut)
Im having trouble maintaining it now that its long and back to what it was when I was in high school, its the beach (not bleach!) blonde hair, very thick, a nice bit of volume, and wavey.
I keep it up in a pony most of the day because I work….is that damaging it?
I also keep the hair dryer and straightener away and use them no more than twice a month, The wild natural work suits me better anyways.
Are there any products out there to keep from getting split ends?
Should I use any specific hair ties that minimize damage?
Brush it when its wet or dry or both?
Best answer:
Answer by Cheeka
Check out this site its called Wen hair care….It’s awsome|1725480736
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