Signs of Drug Use by a Parent?
Question by ******: Signs of drug use by a parent?
My mother is on her 3rd marriage and this guy she ran off and married shortly after I have my son, didn’t tell anyone just went. He is very bad into marijuana and I know he takes some of her pain meds that she has for different illnesses. He has recently failed a drug test at work for pot and his son is constantly stealing from them and pawning things for cocaine. Since getting with this guy, my mother has alienated her family (I am 30, brother is 27 and we have another bro that is 16 and sis is 13) My oldest brother has 2 daughters and I have a son, all babies. My mom has given up custody of the younger 2 to live with their father b/c they don’t have room for them. They are even building a new house and it is only 2 bdr. This past weekend was my grandmothers 75th bday, it was a surprise party and they were all supposed to stay with us at our beach house. My mother and her husband kept going to their rv, we know so he could smoke and not sure what else, rumors are he is also known as a cokehead. My mom has always seemed to have a decent head on her shoulders, always wanted to party like she was 18 though. They took off, did not tell anyone bye, my brother was in town from DE and left yesterday, she had no decency to tell him bye or was glad to see him or anything. I know the husband has been verbally abusive but I wonder if she is doing drugs along w/him the way she has distanced from everything and alienated everyone but “his” friends. I just don’t know, i am so upset but I can’t handle constantly worrying if i am going to get a phone call that she is dead. From those with family members that have been addicts, please give me some signs.
Best answer:
Answer by reddaisy
I have an addict sister. She is 48 I am 50. She has been into drugs since her teens. I have been through this for so long I could spit.I have decided since the last time I helped her into rehab so her family didn’t throw her on the streets. The next day she was out and said she was sick of me and me being a hypocrite ( i dabble in pot but I don’t shoot up or do any other drug) I am a mother, I am active in with my kids and with school. I am a housewife. I keep my house and yard. I don’t smoke around my kids even though they know I only do it if they are not around. Anyways after my sister started screaming I was a just as bad as her after she and her family dragged me into their problem, I said good bye and I don’t have anything to do with her. If she wants me in her life she will get in rehab and learn how to not involve and blame others for her problems. I worry about getting that call too, but not as much as when it was in my face. If I don’t know then I don’t worry. She is going to do whatever she wants until sjhe is tired of it. Until then don’t waste your time worrying. It won’t help her and it will kill you.
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