Why Don’t We See PR Messages Regarding Dangers of Porn Addiction?
Question by nicesinging1: Why don’t we see PR messages regarding dangers of porn addiction?
Something doesn’t seem right to me. I know there are substantial number of people who are addicted to porn and get their life ruined by it. They have told me porn addiction is as bad as drug or alcohol addiction if not worse.
Yet, I don’t see any PR messages on tv, radio or newspaper educating about dangers of porn and its addictive side. Why?
How do you expect people to stay away from it unless they know its harmful side? Does the federal government consider porn addiction dangerous at all?
Best answer:
Answer by nhbaritone
The idea of “addiction” to pornography is only now getting research in the scientific community. There is some evidence for the addiction conclusion, but you can not expect it to have climbed to awareness at the government level yet. Plus, the alcohol and tobacco companies pay for the PSAs against abuse of their products. Someone will have to pay money for the porn/internet PSAs.
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